1. 러시아 하바롭스크 크라이 Khabarovsk Krai 소개
Хабаровск Habarovsk |
1. Khabarovsk Krai 지도
해안의 총길이는 2500 km이며 남에서 북으로 1780 km, 서에서 동쪽으로 125-750km 을 차지한다.
부존자원으로는 철광, 주석, 망간, 크롬철광, 마노, 벽옥, 팔세돈등 건축원료로 이용되는 휘 금속이 풍부하다. 온천과 약수산지도 많다. 하바로프스크주에서는 금, 백금, 은도 채취되며 러시아에서 3대의 금채취 지역으로 꼽히고 있다.
바니노 해항은 연간 1천만 톤의 물량을 처리한다.
하바로프스크주는 세계각국과 항공로로도 연결되고 있다.
하바로프스크 공항은 극동지역의 최대공항으로서 모든 형의 항공기를 서비스할 수 있으며 1 시간당 1500 명의 여객을 수용한다.
◉ 합파라부사극哈巴羅夫斯克 변구邊區의 지리위치와 자연자원
Watching period and kind of routes:
The Kukhtui river takes its beginning in the Chanda mountain ridge and runs into the Okhotsk Sea near the Okhotsk settlement.
The total river length makes 384 km.The total river length makes 384 km.
In it's top and middle site the river flows along the narrow, precisely expressed valley in the mountain region. In its bottom site the river flows along the Okhotsk-Ukhtuisky hilly plain.
The basic right inflow is Humnack; left inflows are Ozerny, Gusinka.
There is the Ozerny preserve in the middle current of the river
Watching period and kind of routes:
The Nek lake is situated in Okhotsk region, 200km from
Okhotsk settlement, on the north of the Okhota river valley.
The lake length makes 6 km, width -750 meters in the north, and 300 meters in the south, western and eastern banks are also covered with granite breakage.
There are several streams that inflow into the lake: the Cascade, Circus, Kuropachy, Brushwood Mouth and the Head, only one stream outflows.
The lakesides are covered with wood vegetation: larch, elm and others.
The lake water is clean and transparent, depth up to 50 meters. One can see the bottom of the lake from helicopter. The origin of this lake is glassier.
Okhotsk Settlement
Okhotsk is a settlement of an urban type, the organizational and industrial center of Okhotsk region.It is situated in 1677 km from the Khabarovsk city, on the coast of the Okhotsk sea. The population is about 9 thousand people. Was based in 1647. The first Russian Far Eastern city. Up to the first half of the 19th century it was the basic port of Russia on its east boundaries. From the beginning of the 18th centuries it became the basic point of expeditions, investigating the northern part of the Pacific ocean and Northern America from the West. In the Okhotsk region the industrial fishing and fish processing is carried on.
The Ulya river takes the beginning on the northeast slope of Djugdjur mountains and runs into the Okhotsk Sea.
The total length of the river makes 325 km. A valley is narrow, precisely expressed. It is the spawning place of salmon.
The opening and development of the Far Eastern territories begun from the coast of the Okhotsk sea, namely from the Ulya river. In the summer of 1639 a small group of discoverers under the guidens of I.U.Moskvitin went down this river into the Okhotsk Sea for the first time.
6, 7, 8, 9. Natural objects of watching:
Unique picturesque landscapes of the Maya Polovinnaya river valley, Pleistocene relics of flora, rear kinds of flora on the rocks, thresholds, gorges.
Watching period and kind of routes:
June 15 - August 15, rafting down the river, boats and catamarans, foot routes.
The Maya river (Ayano-Maysky region) is a right inflow of Aldan river.
The river is formed by merge of the Right and Left Maya within the limits of the Yudomsky-Maya hills.
Watching period and kind of routes:
Watching period and kind of routes: July 15 - August 20, arrival by helicopter, rafting down the river up to the first settlements of the gold-digging artels.
The Uchur River
The Uchur river starts in the Nemerikansky and the Gefan Ranges and empties into the Aldan river. Its total length is 812 km, including 546 within the Khabarovsky krai territory. The main tributaries are the Ooyan and the Idyum. High spring flood waters are common here.
The river current is mostly slow. The clearly mountain character of riverbed is typical of the uppermost flow and the span where the river crosses the Lurikan Range. Rafting is easy and comfortable except the above-mentioned range area with the dangerous rapids called the Babushki-Dedushki. The rapids are surmountable for rafting only by high water.
Rafting down the river one can see brown bear, wolf, sable, ermine, northern deer, musk deer, woodcock, hazel grouse, partridge, duck, diver, birds of prey. Good prospects here are for sports fishing lenok, grayling, cisco, taimen, pike, perch.
16. Natural objects of watching:
Tokinsky Stanovic Range with the Bolshoye Тоkо Lake has the scientific meaning as a nature monument of the glacier age. Picturesque landscapes, hunting, fishing.
Watching period and kind of routes:
July 15 - August 15, arrival by helicopter, the return rafting is available down the Zeya river.
The Large Тоkо Lake
There is a lake, called Large Токо in the limits of the Toko tectonic hollows, located at 57° 20' northern latitude and 132° 40' east longitudes. The lake area covers 85 sq.km.
Lake is bounded by a system of glassier shafts, being a classical example of the results of the activity of one of the major glaciers of the Far East, coming from the slopes of Stanovi hill.
All the glassier complex rises on 60-100 meters above the lake level and reaches the width up to 2-3 km. This complex is submitted to be the abrupt glassier shaft, from it's external party, on а stony western surface of which many small lakes of the most whimsical form could be seen.
The banks of that lakes are surrounded with ridges, of 10-15 meters height. The ridges are combined with large round stones and sharp stone pieces.
The surface of the external shaft in the side of the Large Токо lake is gradually reduced and then ends with the ledge up to 60 meters height.
The radical banks of the lake are covered with forest, where such animals as elk, wild deer, bear, birds could be seen. The main fish of this lake is hucho, lenok, thymllus, sig. On the coast there is a comfortable hotel. Lake is feeding by the Utuk mountain river. Also the interest could be attracted by a very deep lake, named Mountain Small Тоkо, which is connected with Large Тоkо by a small stream and the Utuk river.
17. Natural objects of watching:
Geran Range, Golets Nedostupnosti, unique breeds of flora world, bald mountains, herds of snow sheep.
Watching period and kind of routes:
July 15 - August 15. Arrival by helicopters from Chumikhan settlement, rafting down the Uchur river.
18. Natural objects of watching:
Unique haze landscapes of the Kun-Manie mountain river with its complex hydrological mode. The river runs in the Maya Polovinnaya river. This route was glorified by the writer Fedoseev. There is possible rafting down the river with the stops in the former geological bases (Amnuskan, Magan, Guka).
Watching period and kind of routes:
July 15 - August 15. Arrival by helicopter, rafting by rubber boats.
19, 20. Natural objects of watching:
Shantar Islands. Geological nature monuments, tide and ebb-tide, sea birds colonies, nestling places of eagles, bears, seals, summer inhabitation places of whales, flights of the water-swimming birds, spawning of salmon, rear kinds of animals, fur-tree woods.
Watching period and kind of routes:
July - September 15. Steam-ship, helicopter, foot routes, stationary.
The Shantarsky islands
Shantarsky islands are located in Tuguro-Chumikansky region in the southeastern part of the Okhotsk sea.
The islands have a mountain landscape with the sharp mountaintops. The mountains are covered with coniferous forest and grass. There are many rivers and streams, flowing down from the mountains, forming the hundreds of waterfalls from 10 up to 100 meters height.
There are a great variety of capes, rocks that remind birds, animals and people. There is Yakishn bay in the southern part of the Large Shantar Island, and it is the only bay on the Large Shantar. The coast is rocky. Average temperature in January is -20,6°C, in July +12,9°C. Water temperature changes from -1,8°C in winter up to +9-14°C in summer.
There are strong tide water currents. Half-daily size of tide is up to 10 meters. Ice cover can be seen in the end of October up to the middle of June, sometimes till August - September.
There are nestling-places of Cepphus carbo, Lunda cirrhata, Fratercula corniculata, Phalacrocorax pelagicus and various kinds of seagull. Ornithological complex is represented by more than 200 kinds of birds, including 30 kinds registered in the Red book of the Russian Federation. There are also rookeries of walrus and other sea animals. Water fauna is represented by 35 kinds of fish: Salmon mykiss, Salvelinus lrucomaenis, Oncorhynchus keta, Osmerus mordax dentex etc.
Since 1997 the territory of archipelago became the reserve of the federal level. The total area makes 515,5 thousands hectares, 273,1 thousands hectares of them are the Okhotsk sea water area.
See also http://taimentour.ru/
21. Natural objects of watching:
Mukhtel Lake. Young (quarter) landscape, lakes, peat deposits, places of nestling and shedding of the swans, water-fowl, sandpipers, bears, wild northern deer, Mukhtel river, sport fishing.
Watching period and kind of routes:
June - September. Stationary, foot, water routes, rafting down the river.
The Mukhtel lake
The Mukhtel lake is a former lagoon on the Aleksandra Bay shore of the Sea of Okhotsk, connected with the sea by a narrow straight. Several tens of plain and mountain waterways flow into the lake, the largest of them is Mukhtel. The lake length is 10.8 km, width - 4.6 km, depth - 4 m, square - up to 28 sq. km.
Specificity of the Mukhtel lake nature is determined by a neighbourhood of the sea and ground ecosystems. The coastal rocks, shingle beaches, bogs, meadows, forest islands and fresh-waters are favorable for settling of many kinds of animals and concentration of their population. The spawning of fish, sea mammals occurs near the lake side, what attracts many predators to these places. It is possible to watch seals and whales from the shore.
The wildlife is unique due to the rare species of animals and their high population density. The main zoological attraction of the lake is the largest in the Sea of Okhotsk area population of Steller's sea eagle, brown bear, northern deer (in summer), and the largest in the Khabarovsk Krai swan colony. Not far from the lake there is one of the bird's migration branches. The lake water fauna is represented mostly by passage fish, when it is a place of carp inhabitation. Mukhtel river is also rich in fish. Here could be possible amateur fishing for lenok, redeye eastern redfin is exceptionally good.
The area of the lake is deserted and difficult to reach. Only tourists visit it from time to time, in the winter - hunters and fishermen. The lake is located in 110 km from the Amur river and in 60 km from the nearest settlement Mnogovershinny.
Watching period and kind of routes:
There is a Protection and Ecological Public Education department in the Reserve. In addition, a scientific research department is planned to set up there in the near future.
41. Natural objects of watching:
a mountain route to the Northern Sikhote-Aline. Alpine-type watersheds and plateau, mountain landscape panorama, high-altitude zone, acquaintance with the endemic centers, including endemic kinds of animals, Anik mountain.
Watching period and kind of routs:
July 15 - September 15. Arrival by helicopter from Khabarovsk city, return route is possible by Sukpai and Khor rivers.
42. Natural objects of watching:
Mountain Ko - a nature monument, stone looses, thicket of microbiota, a set of rear kinds of the pre-glacier lawns.
Watching period and kind of routes:
July 15 - August 15. Arrival by helicopter, return by foot up to the Ko river. The way to Khabarovsk city - by vehicle; foot tour is also possible.
Khabarovsk is stretched on 50 kilometers along the Amur River. The largest economic, financial and transport centre of Far East with more than 600 thousand population, Khabarovsk constantly updates and modernizes its shape.
The convenient arrangement on the crossing overland, water and air ways makes the capital of the territory a powerful transport unit, and the direct affinity of state border of Russia allows to develop actively economic and trade, scientific and cultural international communications.
It will take you 8 hours to travel from Moscow to Khabarovsk in a modern airliner. The regular flights are open to the following cities: Niigata, Aomori (Japan), Seoul (South Korea), Guanchjow, Harbin (Peoples Republic of China), San Francisco (USA), Tel Aviv (Israel), Tashkent (Uzbekistan). During the summer period it is possible to reach China on the river high-speed vessels of the Amur River Shipping Company, and cargo and passenger vessels of the "river-sea" type are sailing in the ports of the countries of SouthEast Asia. The Khabarovsk has sister-cities: Niigata in Japan, Portland in the USA, Victoria in Canada, Harbin in Peoples Republic of China.
There are 200 modern enterprises and more than 100 enterprises with 100 % of the foreign capital working in Khabarovsk today. There are about 25 representations working in Khabarovsk: firms of Japan, USA, Korea, New Zealand, Hong Kong and other countries of Asian-Pacific region. The important industry fields are: mechanical engineering, metallurgy, shipbuilding, processing of petroleum, electric power industry, medical and food-processing industry.
The international, scientific congresses, conferences, symposiums on various aspects of human life are regularly carried out in Khabarovsk.
Despite of its 142 age, Khabarovsk is a young city, quarter of its population are the people in the age of 15 till 29 years. 50 thousand from them are studying in 28 average and higher educational institutions.
The modern Khabarovsk is rich by its talents: the actors and musicians of the drama, musical comedy, pantomime, young spectator and puppet theatres, symphonic orchestra, youth and folk ensembles, are always glad to meet the city visitors. The city of developing culture, with a number of museums, parks, picture galleries, unique relics and editions of regional scientific library is always available for an active rest. Amur and its inflows are hiding a lot of attractive places for the amateurs-fishers. The Boshehehtsirsky reserve is located near to the city, offering its tracks to the tourism fans.
Walking along the Amur River onboard of the steam-ship, organization of the meetings with national and folklore collectives, participation in the national holidays, have received a special popularity among the visitors of our city.
We hope that our city will become your friend, will give you the unforgettable impressions and pleasure. Welcome to Khabarovsk - the city of picturesque boulevards, spacious streets and green parks!
Watching period and kind of routes:
Lotus is a water grassy plant of the lotus specious. It has the knotty root system. Leaves are gray-green with the radial lines on their bottom part. Flowers are single, pink and large, up to 23-27 sm in diameter. Flowers are heliotropes - turn right to the Sun. The fruit has a number of nuts. Komarov's lotus is the relic representative of the most ancient flowers. Lotus is included into the Russian Federation Red book.
8 km from the Flower lake (52 km from the Vyasemsk city) on the Ussuri riverside the Sheremetyevo settlement is located. The settlement was based in 1860. In school building there is a museum room, where the material on the history of the settlement is assembled. There are rock drawings near the settlement, dated by the 3-1 millenniums B.C., two sites of ancient settlements, dated by X-XII and IV-VIII centuries B.C.
Watching period and kind of routes:
The lake Bolon is located on the north-east of the Sredneamurskaya lowland. The size of the lake mirror makes 388sq. km. The lake is spread from the south-west to the north-east on 58 km. The maximum width is 23 km, depth is 4m (the average depth of the Amur river is 2,5m). The main inflows are: Harpi river, Simmi river and around 50 small rivers. The lake is connected with the Amur river by the Si streight.
There are several lakes in the middle of the Bolon Lake. One of them is called Yadasen Island (length 270m, width 120m, heigh 15m). This island is located in the center of the lake and is remarkable by its paleovolcano. The ancient lava-flows are perfectly seen there. The lake with the paleovolcano in the centre is unique. In the southern part of the lake and further to the south the Bolonsky state natural reserve is located.
Bolonsky State Nature Reserve
Bolonsky State Nature Reserve was formed in 1998. Its total area covers 103 thousand hectares. The natural complex of water-marsh and water-meadow landscapes, typical and unique for Khabarovsk Krai is protected here. 80 % of birds, passing through the Priamurie, are flying through the reserve and the lake Bolon.
In the Red Book of Russian Federation are registered Far Eastern stork, black stork, Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata), Pandion haliaetus, Haliaeetus albicilla, Japanese crane, Fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), Ninox scutulata. Here are the nestling places of storks, Japanese and Black cranes.
Omot mountain lake, mountain flora and mountain tundra, mountain landscapes, high-altitude flora.
Watching period and kind of routes:
starts on the southern slopes of the Myaochan Range and forms the Tunguska river by junction with the Urmi river. It's total length makes 434 km. The main right-bank tributaries are Yarap, Birakan, Ulika. Alga is it's left-bank tributary. The river flows in the borders of land and mountain area, which makes the difference in the current mode. The current mode is rather calm before merging with Yarap. The rises and falls of the water level appear slowly, what is explained by the influence of bogs and marches.
The wildlife is typical for the Amur basin: brown and Himalayan black bear, Siberian roe, elk, reindeer, hare, river otter, sawbill, gray heron, erne, fish hawk, white oriental stork, taimen, lenok, grayling.
Biodiversity of Amgun river basin is splendid because of presence of Priamurskaya flora and fauna. Amgun and its tributaries are the basic spawning places of humpback salmon, summer and autumn dog salmon (keta), as well as of masu salmon (sima). The Amgun river basin is known as the best habitat for elk and bear in the Krai.
The upper Amgun and its tributaries are in the mountainous country. So scenic are the mountain lakes of Suluk and Omot, residual rocks, numerous rivers (the Dier, the Gremyachy Klyuch, the Vodopadny spring, the riverhead of the upper Kerbi and the Nemilen, the Omot-Makit), waterfalls.
Objects for sports hunting are elk, brown bear, Manchurian deer, roe deer, caribou, goose, duck; for fishing - taimen, lenok, grayling, humpback salmon and dog salmon.
In the Badjal river basin the "Badjalsky" Federal nature preserve is located; in the middle current of Amgun river - the "Oldjikansky" one.
The settlement of Vladimirovka is home for the Negidals, the most small in number nationality of Priamurye known for their distinctive culture.
Watching period and kind of routes:
The most interesting part of the lake is northern most with the main feeding river of Evur. Many species of waterfowl nest here, including the rare in the Krai gray goose; colonies of grey heron are found along with fish hawk, erne, Steller's sea eagle, golden eagle, and Far Eastern curlew. The Evoron lake laying in the middle of the Evoron-Chukchagirskaya lowland is the most significant bio-geographical system in the region. Here lies one of three main branches of bird's seasonal migratory flows, who inhabits in the summer on the huge spaces of North-East Asia, and in the winter - in countries of South-East Asia. Besides that the Evoron lake remains one of few not polluted yet reservoirs in the Amur river basin.
In spring larger shoals of common white fish, wild carp, sheat-fish, pike, and carp from the winter pot-holes in river branches especially the Evur where they stay for winter, come for spawning and fattening to the lake from the Amur. It causes abundance of fish-eating birds.
The indigenous people of the area are the Nanaian. Lower down the Devyatka river is the oldest settlement of this nationality, the Kondon village.
Watching period and kind of routes:
In its average current the river runs along the railway Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Sovetskaya Gavan.
Watching period and kind of routes:
Period of watching and kind of routes:
The area has a high cultural and historical value as a place of residing of the native peoples - nanaian and anui udegeits. Relative affinity to Khabarovsk and Punchinsky mineral waters gives a special value to this territory. (http://www.fareast.ru/photo/khv/asimut/anui.html)
Natural objects of watching:
The Amur river flows across 6 regions of the Khabarovsk Territory: Khabarovsky, Nanaisky, Amursky, Komsomolsky, Ulchsky and Nikolaevsky.
The biggest tributaries of the Amur river within the Khabarovsk Territory are Amgun, Anuy, Tunguska, Bureya and Ussuri.
The frontier with the People’s Republic of China goes along Kazakevichevo water way and along the Ussuri river for 265 km long.
Devided into several branches, the Amur river forms numerous flood plain lakes, creeks and oxbow lakes.
The ecological register of the Amur river numbers 108 fish species.
This fish permanantly lives in its waters and is distinguished for its delicious taste and big size: grass carp and black carp, called Amur fish; E.bambusa, big head fish, skygazer, snakehead, taimen, mirrow carp, Amur sturgeon and kaluga fish (great Siberian sturgeon).
Passing salmon make its way to the upper reaches of the taiga rivers to spawn by the Amur river and its tributaries.
The valley of the Amur river in Khabarovsk Territory is characterized by a large variety of nature, presence of archeological and historical objects.
They are Lotus lake and ancient volcanoes, picturesque and rear valley lakes, Tirsky rock with the traces of Manchurian temple of the XV century, Sikhachy-Alyan Petroglyphs.
The history of Khabarovsk Territory is closely connected with the Amur river.
The Russian steamship line was opened over the Amur river in 1854.
Now more then 30 “river-marine” vessels of the Amur Shipping Co. carry cargo and passenders to the ports of the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific region.
The Amur river and it’s water system have great value for development of economy of the Territory and for well-being of it’s people.
Indigenous peoples of the North living in the Khabarovsk Krai
First nations people of the North are presented in Khabarovsk Krai by 25 nationalities with 24 thousand people. It makes 12% of all first nations people's population living in the Russian Federation.
The share of first nations people in northern areas of the Krai makes 20-50%. Number of the native population has increased by 13% against 1989.
The complex program of social and economic development of first nations peoples for 2002-2005 is authorized by the Krai Government. More than 350 thousand rubles are appropriated for its realization.
Nanaians live in Nanaysky, Komsomolsky, Amursky regions of the Khabarovsk Krai (http://www.amursk.ru/nana/nana.htm)
Nanaians concern to the native peoples of Priamurye with an ancient history and original culture.
Traditionally they are occupied with fishing, hunting, gathering.
The rivers, first of all the Amur River, and environmental taiga fed and dressed Nanaians, provided their families with all necessary.
The instruments of hunting were bow with arrows, spear various arbalets, loops, and nets on small fur animals. The hunting guns began to be used only in the beginning of the ХХth century.
Ulchi live on the neighbourhood with Nanaians in the bottom current of the Amur River.
Ulchi name themselves "nani" that means "ground people". From ancient times Ulchi are occupied with hunting, fishery, dog breeding, fish leather was used for clothes and footwear.
The women sewed wedding dressing gowns from the fish leather, embroidered refined ornaments. There is an image of tree of life on many ulchian dressing gowns.
The dressing gowns skilfully made of fish leather, embroidered colourful carpets, ulchian baskets plaited of rod, ornamented birch barked boxes make pride of the traditional ulchian culture.
Negidaltsi live in the Lower Amgun and Amur rivers on the territory of P.Osipenko and Ulchsky regions.
Evenks occupy the Upper Amgun, right inflow of Amur - Bureya river, and also valleys of the rivers falling into the Okhotsk sea to the north of Amur River mouth.
Orochi live on the coast of the Tatarsky strait in the Sovetskaya Gavan region. Most of them are settled on the Tumnin river, in the villages Novoye Оmmi, Gurskoye of the Komsomolsky region. (http://www.sakhalin.ru/sakhalin/tales/Tales_O.htm)
Udegei live on the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin mountain range. V.К.Arsenyev - the famous traveller and researcher of the Russian Far East called Udegei "forest people". The most significant settlements of Udegei in the Khabarovsk Territory are Gvasyugi village, in the Primorsky Territory - Agzu village, Krasny Yar and Olon. (http://lazo.khv.ru/history/udege.html)
Nivkhi live along the Amur estuary and on the Sakhalin Island. (http://www.sakhalin.ru/sakhalin/tales/Tales_n.htm)
The traditional forms of religion of the Priamurye peoples were closely connected to their trade culture, in the basis of which was the animal world, close to a person. It was considered that a person has an animal or bird origin, that animals in taiga can hear and understand each other and everyone. It tells that animal can revive after its death if its skull and bones where not damaged, that animals and birds have their spirits-owners. So one must periodically speak with them in order to have a successful hunt. Therefore the traditional holidays include the actions, directed on the fault removing for the murder of animal and "reviving" the murdered animal again.
Even the first researchers had mentioned that the peoples of Priamurye are virtuosos of the wood art. The Ultchi knew a set of groove and list techniques. Therefore their utensils represent perfect samples of carved art.
Traditional clothes of the peoples of Priamurye is one of the most mass kinds of art creativity combining the art of designing, application, processing of leather, metal, stone in itself. The most interesting are the dressing gowns from the fish leather. They are for wearing in spring, summer and in the beginning of autumn. The special value is given to wedding clothes, which have plenty of ornaments as suspension brackets and fur. The image of patrimonial tree on a dressing gown is necessary part, which symbolises continuation of a family. Birds, sitting on branches are symbolised the souls of children who had not born yet. The ornaments for male and female gowns are different. Hat and gloves have their own specific ornament. Many masters had found their inspiration in wood or bone groove art. Hunt had become the original competition among the villages: whose clothes had been decorated better, whose boat, sleds had been more beautiful.
The regional ethnocultural centres with small museums, exhibition halls, creative workshops on decorative-applied art, national collectives are created in Khabarovsk territory. The ancient national holidays are carried out annually. The realization of the national "Bear holiday" and wedding "gema-ta" was also revived in 1992-1993. The ancient competitions on national kinds of sport, the performances of art amateur performance, sale of national products of decorative-applied art are usually represented during the national holidays.
Among the archaeological monuments which have struck imagination of first researchers of the Far East, there were ancient petroglyphs (rock drawings) near the national nanaian settlement Sikhachi-Alyan, that is located 75 km from Khabarovsk down the Amur River stream.
First information about the Sikhachi-Alyan rock drawings has appeared in 70-th years of the XIX century. B.Lowefer - the American orientalist of the XIX century, investigated them. In 1919 the noted Japanese historian, ethnographer and archeologist Toriy Ryudzo have examined the rock drawings during his trip in Siberia. The noted researchers L.Sternberg and V.Arsenyev have studied the petroglyphs. But only researches of А.Okhladnikov in 1935 have brought fame to the Sikhachi-Alyan petrogliphs.
Huge basalt boulders, towering along the rocky Amur riverside, attract travellers here. These boulders are witnesses of the childhood of our planet. They are marked by seal of the creative intention, open the strange and at the same time fascinating, fantastic world of ancient art. Thousand years have smoothed sharp sides of the basalt boulders, have polished their surface, but could not erase deep strips, maid by hand of unknown master of ancient times. The ancient images on boulders and rocks of Sikhachi-Alyan represent the long and difficult history of the region. Countless generations speak to us through millenniums by original and expressive language.
The drawings representing masks, animals, anthropomorphic images, birds (about 300 in all) are executed with stone tools on basalt boulders. Most ancient images are dated by the late Stone Age (7-6 millenniums B.C.).
Researching of the mysterious drawings on Amur riverside still continues, and will be continued by generations of the scientists - archeologists, art critics and historians.
Watching period and kind of routes: June 1 - October 1. Stationary. Foot routes.
- 8 Yubileinaya Street, Bychikha, Khabarovsk Territory, 682302, Russia
- Tel. (4212) 97-44-83
- Tel/fax (4212) 97-48-69
- E-mail: tkach@reserve.khv.ru
The Reserve was set up in 1963. It occupies an area of 45,5 ha and located near Khabarovsk city on the slopes of the Khekhtsir Mountains between the Amur and Ussuri rivers. The height of the mountains ranges from 30m to 950m above the sea level. The Reserve's vegetation is represented by various species of deciduous, coniferous broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests. The moderately monsoon climate contributes to the availability of various species of the fauna and flora.
1017 species of vascular plants, 218 species of mosses, 148 species of lichens, 825 species of mushrooms, and 292 species of algae can be found here. One can find there Manchurian walnut, Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica), Amur velvet (Phellodendron amurense), Schizandra chinensis, Amur vine (Vitis amurensis) and Korean pine.
The fauna of the Reserve includes 40 species of fish, 6 species of amphibious, 8 species of reptiles, 222 species of birds, and 50 species of mammals. Himalayan bear and Amur tiger inhabits in the Reserve.
Despite the adverse anthropogenic effect, many kinds of animals and plants are kept in the Reserve.
37, 38, 39. Natural objects of watching:
Route along the Khor river. Visiting the botanical nature monuments of Khor and Kiya rivers.
Sikhote-Aline taiga, mountain landscapes, pine-fur-tree, cedar - broad-leafed forests, high-altitude change of flora, rear kinds of animals (including a tiger), sports fishing, spawning places of salmons, culture and life of the Udegei small nation.
Watching period and kind of routes:
June 1 - September 15. Rafting down the river.
The fauna is typical for the middle part of the Sikhote-Alin: tiger, lynx, wild boar, reindeer, Siberian roe, musk deer, brown and Himalayan black bear, badger, river otter, Indian marten, gray long-tailed crow, azure-winged magpie, black-headed oriole, spoonbill, erne, fish hawk, fish owl, sawbill, Amur runner and spotted chaser, Oriental and stone mocassin, Far Eastern toad, swallowtail butterfly, the relic Capricorn beetle and others.
Sports' hunting is for reindeer, wild boar, Siberian roe, brown and Himalayan black bear. Among birds hunted are hazel grouse, pheasant, woodcock. The waters are habitat to grayling, lenok, at times taimen is found.
For protection of tiger and hoofed animals a natural preserve was established in the Chuken river basin in 1997. In Kutuzovka settlement the Wild animal's rehabilitation center is located. Interesting are also mountain-mass Ko (2 003 m), "Proshalnaya" cave, mineral spring "Djugda", rock-breackages in the Chuken river basin and a number of bank breakages, rocks and small rapids.
The Khor river banks have for centuries been home to the Udegeis. Their national settlement of Gvasyugi is here. There are some other settlements in the river basin - Sukpay, Solontsovy, Kutuzovka, Doli, Bichevaya, connected per roads with Khabarovsk city.
Watching period and kind of routes:
- 28 "b" Sovetskaya Street, Sovetskaya Gavan City, Khabarovsk Territory, 682880, Russia
- Tel.: (42138) 46-9-90
The Reserve was set up in 1994. Its area occupies 267,300 ha. The strictly protected area of the Reserve constitutes 81 ha (including a part of the Tatar Strait water area). The Reserve is located on the northeast slopes of the Sikhote-Aline Mountain Range. The specific feature of the Reserve is manifested by its location within the boundaries between the natural communities characteristic for northern fauna and flora and those of the southern ones.
The terrain of the Reserve is mountainous, with predomination of elevations from 600m to 1,000m above the sea level. The anthropogenic effect is minimal.
The fauna and flora of the Reserve is both unique and varied. There one can find pine, spruce, fir, larch, oak, ash, woodland grape, shizandra, eleuterococcus, aralia and other plants. Of the animal world one can find there the sable, mink, otter, lynx, wolverine, wolf, brown bear, elk, Manchurian deer, roe deer, wild boar, musk deer, and hazel and spruce grouses. Besides this, the Botchinsky Nature Reserve represents the northernmost habitat of the Amur tiger, the number of which in recent years has been fluctuating between 4 and 6.
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